7 Ways to Write a Smooth Dissertation Literature Review

There are many aspects of writing a dissertation. But today’s topic is specifically focused on how you as a student should strive to write a captivating dissertation literature review. Most of you studying in the final year are aware of the challenges of writing a good dissertation. But despite the challenges, you as a student should not be deterred to write a literature review. Firstly, let us understand the placement of a literature review. A literature review is usually placed at the commencement of a dissertation. It is an integral part of your introductory phase of a dissertation. It comprises of a summary of the current topic you wish to pursue your research on. Sometimes it becomes difficult for a reader to read the entire thesis. To save the reader some effort, a summary of the topic presents a quick glimpse of what the research material has to offer. The summary is short but offers a comprehensive idea of what the research is about. Students writing a dissertation are...